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When I reset all bones the curves are going crazy

Cédric Maussion 7 years ago updated by tmpxyz 7 years ago 7


I have an animation with only 2 keyframes, it is a hand going from an idle to a close state.

Finally I like better when all the bones are reset than my close state.

If I click on reset all bones on my second keyframe, perfect, it takes the right position.

But if I go through the animation it does crazy things, the fingers instead of going simply from A to B are doing strange circles.

If I look into the curves before it was straight lines and now it is curves, I tried to change everything but I never have the result I want.

Is there a way to correct that?

tmpxyz 7 years ago


I just submitted the Skele v1.9.7 p3 to AssetStore, it implements the new workaround for the issue mentioned above.

I've tested with the hand model you sent me on Unity5.6.0p7, it works fine here.

The package should be online within hours, be sure to tell me if you find new issues,

Best regards, :)


Using property of Animator SP error occurred.

umiyuki 8 years ago 0

Unity ver 5.3.6p2 personal edition

Skele ver 1.9.6p4

Reproduction procedure

1. Open Animator SP window and Create new Take.

2. Create track of Property.

3. Set referenced object and set any numeric value.

4. Create new Keyframe.

5. Save scene. and re-open the scene.

6. Can't find created property track.

Not a bug

Compile Errors auf Import to Unity 5.3.5f1

wohltaeter 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 3

Hello, I have imported Skele and I have a lot of Compile Errors in AnimatorData.cs e. g. this line: public void Execute(AMTake take, bool isFrame = true, float value = 0f /* frame or time */)

The error msg says: Standardparameterdesignator are not allow and it points to the = in different lines.

Can you please help me?

Best regards

Under review

Create two animations simulatenously?

Christopher Richardson 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

Hi, I'm thinking of trying to use Skele to author some "throw" animations for my Universal Fighting Engine project. Would it be at all possible to edit animations for two characters simultaneously? That way I could see how the two look together as they happen. Thanks!


IK, Constraints and Interpolation

Chuji 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 6

Hi, I have been having a lot of issues using IK and getting smooth interpolation, mostly I am getting limbs spinning much beyond 360 degrees, and requiring a lot of extra work to clean up the curves.

It occurs whether using Euler angles or Quaternions, the new IK system with constraints or the old IK system. In edit mode or outside using CCDSolver components and helper markers.

This post is going to be dedicated to some odd behavior using the CCDSolver method for IK and Constraints.

Here is the test scene with required extras. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=73674831954535073720

Inside you will find the test scene "Adv_ConstraintForWalk_Bugged" which is just a slightly edited Adv_ConstraintForWalk scene set up for animation.

You will also find the animation "InterpolationBugged" and the controller "Robot Kyle G".

Now the Controller is not linked to the animation, so throw the animation in there.

In the Hierarchy, open up the game Object "Robot Kyle M -> Hips -> LeftUpLeg"

Head into the Animation view and select InterpolationBugged animation.

1. Note the LeftUpLeg bone rotation values.

2. Now start dragging the animation Key frames from start to end and then all the way back to start.

Repeat step 2 a few times and you will notice that for every repetition the rotation values such as Y will start increasing/decreasing as long as you repeat the process. (I've had it occur on Z aswell, only X that it does not occur on).

This causes a lot of issues when you just want to go over the animation progress scrolling back and forth through the key frames. Once you decide to bake using the AnimationBaker, those ridiculous values of rotations get used as keys, and the interpolation goes completely haywire, with limbs rotating thousand of times between key frames. It slows the animation down a lot, needing to spend a lot of time having to clean it all up.

The animation in there was just me fiddling trying to reproduce the issue. It doesn't seem to take much, just create an animation moving forward for a moderate amount of keys, and the bug will appear. The more the limbs rotate, such as upper leg, the quicker it will appear. The increase of rotations seems to be at a very specific point in the "InterpolationBugged" animation when going beyond about 0:35 and then back. Lack of RightFootTarget.position? No idea, but then why is it occurring on LeftFoot (I have managed to get it on RightFoot aswell). I get the same kind of issues animating my own model (Which is what led me to test it with the generic Robot Kyle model).

I hope that this post was of any worth and that the root of the issue can be found and solved.

Best regards.


Morph3D support

Val Pestilence 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 2

Hello, I've been trying to use Skele with Morph 3D products

It worked great until I tried to use age Blend properties (to make the character look like a child).
Once I go back to StartEdit, the skeleton is not resized to follow the mesh Image 49

I tried to use BindPose Fixer to adjust the skeleton to body but every time I save and restart my project this happens

Image 50

If i click on bind pose fixer again it fixes the body but the skeleton goes back to default adult scale

Image 51

is there something im doing wrong? it does not retain what i saved.

Thank you

tmpxyz 8 years ago

Hi, Val Pestilence,

Thanks for your feedback,

I don't have Morph3D so cannot say for sure how they implement morphing system.

But they must have shrinked the skeleton when shrink the mesh, or the skinned-mesh won't work properly.

Could you describe your steps: Did you

1. shrink the model with Morph3D;

2. then click "StartEdit" to start Skele SMReditor;


1. Click "StartEdit" to start SMReditor;

2. then shrink the model with Morph3D;

Skele's SMReditor would draw the skeleton where they are. So I doubt the shrinked model doesn't has the skeleton properly shrinked.

Please take a check whether the skeleton is actually shrinked,

e.g.: you could click the "hip" in the hierarchy then check where it is in the scene.

If you're sure that the joint's transform is at different position from the position drawn by Skele. Please send the shrinked model to me to check.

Best regards,


FullSerialiser/FullInspector clash with Skele?

oxyscythe 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 4

Hello! I am just trying to import Skele into my project but I am having a weird issue where it seems to clash with FullSerialiser which is already part of my project. I am getting an error in Utilty.cs something about the fsSerialiser type already having been defined (I am sorry I've actually removed Skele now so I could keep working, I should have probably copy pasted the error somewhere before I did that). Any ideas what I can do about this? Many thanks

Not a bug

Problem either with Skele or my understanding; can't find the answer

Enemyovercast 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 2

I sent an email 5 days ago, but no reply so I thought I'd try here. I purchased the Skele Character Animation asset from the Unity Asset Store, and I spent a few hours becoming acquainted with how to use it. I'm having a problem however that I'm unable to solve myself, which could be with Skele or some functionality about which I'm confused.

.I have created an animation, where my character FBX (rigged as Generic) is standing still with the following values assigned to his hips (which I believe is the root note for his skeleton.)

RotationX: -0.0265

RotationY: 269.5891
RotationZ: 266.3089

I then have him turning to his right a few key frames later, with these values:

RotationX: 3.486
RotationY: 379.2218
RotationZ: 271.2145

And from there I have attempted to have him perform a rotation as an inversion (a side flip) to his left, by using the rotation tool to finish with these values at the end of the animation:

RotationX: -2.055
RotationY: 739.1045 (rotation occurs only around the Y axis?)
RotationZ: 271.213

The problem I'm finding, is as you can see the values leave him simply turning around to his right a full vertical rotation (instead of having him flip upside down as I attempted with the rotation tool. Note while using the tool he does rotate in the intended way, but once I play the animation it becomes a vertical spin instead.) I'm assuming the values would have to be dramatically different to achieve a flip, but without using the rotation tool I'm unsure what they would be.

One of the major reasons I purchased this asset was that I am attempting to make a large number of animations to represent complex acrobatics, and so this is an important obstacle to be able to overcome. Anything you can tell me about what I may be missing or doing wrong is very helpful, or if this is an error I would be interested to know what can be done about it. Thanks to anyone for their insight.


DAE exporter not copying all properties within an animation

katanasteelwind 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 2

I have a generic animation I am trying to convert into a humanoid clip.

It seems to only copy the properties that have a bone related to it.

For example if you want to flip a sword in the animation and then convert it to humanoid all the key/properties for the sword within the Dopesheet are gone.

How do I get it to keep those properties?


Converting Generic Animation to Humanoid Animation using Dae Exporter

Robin Gatchalian 8 years ago updated by tmpxyz 8 years ago 4

So I have tried the model robot kyle (generic) in your package to create a sample animation and saved it as "new animation.anim"

Image 42

Then I tried to use dae exporter

Image 43

Now I have the dae file together with the animation and change the animation type to humanoid

Image 45

The problem now is when try to play the animation in this humanoid character it doesn't move or play any animation even in the preview animation as i tried to put different avatar, no animation at all. I already followed your video sample on how to do it. I just suggest next time talk in the tutorial rather than just reading on your notes.