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Create two animations simulatenously?
Hi, I'm thinking of trying to use Skele to author some "throw" animations for my Universal Fighting Engine project. Would it be at all possible to edit animations for two characters simultaneously? That way I could see how the two look together as they happen. Thanks!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi, Christopher Richardson,
Yep, it's possible. You can see the simple example video below.
The steps:
1. Make an empty GameObject 'Anim' with only an Animator;
2. Put multiple models under the 'Anim'. Be sure to strip them off their original Animator;
3. Make clip as usual;
If you want to switch character at runtime, as long as the skeleton is the same, you could change the topmost gameObject name, and throw it under the 'Anim', then you're good to go.
Also just for your reference:
There's an example scene called 'PlayDemo0' in the package, in the game you could press 'E' to guard enemies' attack, if success, it will play an animation that player caught enemy's arm and throw him away.
Well, it used an old complex implementation and tried to handle too many stuff (transition, name-changing, runtime actor-change, etc) altogether, it turned out to be too complex, so I suggest you use the simple method in this video.
Best regards,
Thanks for the reply, I suppose I didn't explain myself the best, although what you describe is likely what I'd need to do first. What I'd really like to do is eventually have two separate animations that will work for humanoids. So, I was thinking maybe have a parent object for starters and then once the animations are done they can be separated, have their paths fixed with AnimCurvePropEditor and have two separate humanoid anims that can retarget to any humanoid avatar... that ought to work right?
On the other hand it would be really cool to somehow have two animations be edited on two different meshes at the same time completely separate from each other... For instance lets say you have two inspector windows and two animation windows each locked onto the separate humanoids could you also have two separate Animation Helper windows going? That would be really really really REALLY cool.
Yep, You could edit two different meshes separately, and quick-switch editing model with "Alt+LMB click" (v1.9.6 above)
However, it's a pity that the AnimationView doesn't support to preview two animations altogether, so that doesn't quite work as expected.
We could notify Unity about this need by adding an entry to the feedback.unity3d.com
once the animations are done they can be separated, have their paths fixed with AnimCurvePropEditor and have two separate humanoid anims that can retarget to any humanoid avatar... that ought to work right?
Yes, that should work.
Hmm, are you sure you need two seperate humanoid clips instead of one two-character clip?
Well, if you really need that. I could add an utility to help seperate it into multiple clips
yeah, having the ability to preview two animations simultaneously would be cool.
And yes I'm sure the clips would need to be separate. Thx again!