Your comments

I've dug in a little more. I see the following 3 messages in Unity's Console whenever the bones disappear or reappear(2 info messages followed by a single warning message):

Info message 1

Skele_SMREditor: Ending...

Dbg:Log(String) (at Assets/Skele/Common/Dbg.cs:21)
MH.SMREditor:_OnEndEdit() (at Assets/Skele/CharacterAnimationTools/Editor/SMREditor.cs:900)
MH.SMREditor:OnSceneGUI() (at Assets/Skele/CharacterAnimationTools/Editor/SMREditor.cs:346)


Info message 2

Skele_SMREditor: Starting...

Dbg:Log(String) (at Assets/Skele/Common/Dbg.cs:21)
MH.SMREditor:_OnStartEdit() (at Assets/Skele/CharacterAnimationTools/Editor/SMREditor.cs:805)
MH.SMREditor:OnInspectorGUI() (at Assets/Skele/CharacterAnimationTools/Editor/SMREditor.cs:667)


Warning message

Could not create a custom UI for the shader 'Custom/CharacterBase'. The shader has the following: 'CustomEditor = ShaderForgeMaterialInspector'. Does the custom editor specified include its namespace? And does the class either derive from ShaderGUI or MaterialEditor?UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI()
