Your comments

Hi. Thank you.

Now the asset is working but i can't save any animations.
I have followed the tutorials by first making the model generic, then set up the animator. Then in animation window, i first press record, then in the inspector i press the green "StartEdit" button. Once i repositioned the limbs i press "StopEdit" button. If i then in the animator window press record or play all my changes are erased and the models pose turn back to how it was from the beginning.
Like in this video, but at the end you don't press the record key or anything else to save the edited animation pose, but when I do it just reset the pose.

I also tried to make a new animation by following the tutorials, but when i move the muscles its new positions points (or what ever they called) in the animation window doesn't appear like in the video.
And how do I use the DAE exporter?